what skills are necessary to be a good leader


Feb 17, 2022

Approx. xix min. read

What Are The Top 24 Leadership Skills That Make a Great Leader?

  Leadership skills are some of the most in-demand soft skills. Then, what does it take to be a great leader in the workplace?

Leadership skills are some of the most in-demand soft skills. Then, what does it take to be a bully leader in the workplace?

Whether one is a squad leader, a project supervisor, or a business executive, all professionals occupying leadership roles are required to possess strong leadership skills.

📚Check out Top 5 Communication Skills and How to Improve them and master the fine art of advice.

Tin can Anyone Exist a Great Leader?

If so, how tin yous get and develop the skills yous demand to become a great leader? What does the learning process await like?

The thing is, it'south not that unproblematic.

Some concur that some people are born to be bang-up leaders. Others believe that leaders are made.

The truth is, in that location's no manual or guide that will requite you all the tricks to become a great leader. But what'southward for sure is that leadership involves dandy soft skills.


And then, what are the virtually in-demand leadership skills? Why developing leadership skills is critical in the workplace? What does information technology have to get a corking leader? What practise successful leaders do differently?

Permit's dive in!

Leadership Skills: Definition and Examples

There is no unique way to draw great leadership skills. Unsurprisingly, yous tin can find dissimilar lists describing the leadership skills one should possess to become a great leader in the workplace.

In essence, leadership skills are the abilities people have to lead and deliver projects, encourage initiatives, build a sense of common purpose, and empower others.

Leadership skills also include the abilities people have to steer employees toward the achievement of the business organisation goals, inspire them, drive change, and deliver results.

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Keep in listen that not all great leaders possess the same leadership skills since these skills are strongly connected with people's personality traits and communication abilities. In sum, dissimilar people, different leadership skills!

24 Examples of the Nigh In-Demand Leadership Skills

There are many different leadership skills required in the workplace, but the most in-demand ones include:

  1. Agile listening
  2. Empathy
  3. The ability to share clear messages and make complex ideas piece of cake to understand for anybody
  4. Strategic thinking skills
  5. Creativity
  6. The ability to inspire and convince others
  7. Flexibility
  8. The ability to turn information into action
  9. Project planning
  10. Active listening
  11. The ability to assess employees' strengths and weaknesses
  12. Business storytelling
  13. Fourth dimension management
  14. The power to build trust
  15. Potent communication skills
  16. Positivity
  17. Reliability
  18. Management skills
  19. The ability to marshal the employees with the company values and goals
  20. A strong leadership vision
  21. Recruiting skills
  22. Persuasion skills
  23. The power to help employees notice meaning at work
  24. Stiff charisma

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What Leaders Are We Talking About?

There are some misconceptions virtually leadership in the workplace.

By "leaders," we usually mean employees that occupy supervisory positions in the organization. They are at the top of the hierarchy, and they manage teams or even entire business organisation units.

Call up virtually information technology: when we talk about or read articles about leadership, the first leaders that come to our mind are company founders, business executives, directors, or squad leaders.

All the same, employees — including those that don't occupy supervisory positions — tin potentially get leaders.

Indeed, if employees have what it takes to exist a leader — including leadership and management skills — they can inspire, motivate, and besides challenge their colleagues.

Kim Turnage, Director, Leadership Consultant at Talent Plus, says:

"Having a measure of autonomy to make decisions in the workplace is a mode to both identify leaders and help them develop. In every civilization, there are people who do what's expected of them and not much more. And then there are people who merely naturally step forwards and take more responsibleness, take more initiative. Those are the people who have that real leadership potential".

Merely having great — if not exceptional — leadership skills is not plenty for employees to become leaders. They need to be inspired and encouraged by their supervisors.

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That's the reason why more and more businesses starting time launching in-house leadership development plans to help employees grow their leadership skills.

Leadership Skills — What Does Being a "Great Leader" Mean?

 There are hundreds if not thousands of different means to draw a "great leader."

Ask communicators, management experts, professors or even business organization leaders how they would describe a corking leader. They'll all come up with dissimilar definitions!

leadership_skills_great_leaders_haveNotwithstanding, most leadership experts agree that bang-up leaders:

  • Translate the company'south vision into reality
  • Believe in their teams
  • Have the power to motivate and inspire others
  • Know how to connect and engage with employees
  • Have a clear vision and know-how to effectively communicate it in the workplace
  • Know how to coach employees so they can develop their skills and improve their performance
  • Recognize others' achievements
  • Have empathy
  • Translate the company'southward vision into reality
  • Have a great understanding of the business organization's strategy and know how to communicate it to their teams
  • Enhance dialogues in the workplace
  • Listen to employees
  • Lead by example
  • Know how to create unity in the workplace
  • Encourage open up and transparent communication
  • Are change drivers — they encourage inventiveness and innovation in the workplace
  • Include employees in decision making; they effectively consul
  • Make employees' well-existence and safety one of their acme priorities
  • Last but not least: keen leaders don't fail. They learn.

Leadership skills — including advice skills — are some of the most important skills leaders are expected to accept.

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Only we're non at that place yet: a recent Interact-Harris Poll plant that 91% of the surveyed employees think their managers are not good communicators.

So, what does that hateful for your organization if you don't have the "correct leaders" on board?

20+ Statistics Well-nigh the Importance of Leadership

Great leaders have a straight affect on their squad's success and ability to evangelize results.

And here's why: the way leaders communicate in the workplace has a direct impact on employees' motivation, morale, productivity, and ultimately on employee engagement.

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Call back about it:

  • Only 19% of organizations say they are "very effective" at developing leaders (Infopro Learning)
  • 56% of organizations are not set to meet leadership needs (Deloitte)
  • 77% of organizations overall are currently experiencing a leadership gap (Elucidat)
  • Employees supervised by highly engaged leadership teams are 39% more likely to be engaged themselves (MDA Grooming)
  • 58% of managers say they didn't receive whatever management preparation (Forbes)
  • 82% of employees don't trust their boss to tell the truth (Forbes)
  • 37% of employees consider recognition the well-nigh important thing a manager or a company could do to assistance them be more than successful at what they do
  • Only 29% of employees are happy with the career advancement opportunities their companies have offered so far at present
  • Companies with a high-engaged workforce are 21% more assisting, just 85% of employees are not engaged at piece of work
  • 32% of UK employees lack the confidence to put ideas forward to employers (MDA Training)
  • 1 in three professionals cite boredom every bit their master reason to leave their job
  • 81% of employees feel ready to leave their jobs
  • Overall, disengaged employees price companies $450-500 billion each yr
  •  Only 42% of employees strongly agree that leadership finer led their system through the COVID-nineteen crisis (Perceptyx)
  • 85% of employees say they're most motivated when management offers regular updates on visitor news (Trade Press Services)
  • 56% of employees believe that managers should update their skills to support a remote squad (CIPHR)
  • 79% of employees desire to quit their jobs considering of a lack of appreciation from leaders (GoRemotely)
  • 63% of millennials experience their leadership skills are not existence adult (HRPA)
  • 38% of remote workers and 15% of remote managers received no training on how to work remotely.
  • 87% of millennials  charge per unit " professional or career growth and development opportunities" equally of import to them in a task (Gallup)
  • I in two employees have left their job to go away from their managing director at some point in their career (Gallup)
  • 56% of employees believe managers demand to arrange their skills to manage a remote workforce (PowWowNow)

10 Inspiring Business Leaders with Strong Leadership Skills

Are peachy leaders the ones that inspire and motivate their teams? Are they the ones who can brand complex ideas easy to understand for everyone? Or are they the ones that encourage employees to develop their creativity?

Maybe great leaders possess all these leadership skills; perchance they don't. But they all have one matter in mutual: they know how to attract and abound pinnacle talent.

They hire the right employees, inspire them, and back up their creativity and professional person development. And it all starts with great leadership skills!

But what does it actually take to be a nifty leader?

Nosotros've compiled below inspirational quotes from business leaders that have built or contributed to some of the most successful companies in the world.

They accept different ways to describe leadership and success, but they all have at to the lowest degree one thing in mutual — great leadership skills.

Are you ready to find out what great leadership means to them?

Allow's take a lot at some of their most famous quotes! 💬

"As a leader, I am tough on myself and I enhance the standard for everybody; however, I am very caring because I want people to excel at what they are doing so that they can aspire to exist me in the futurity". (Mirror Review Quotes)


Indra Nooyi, Old Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo

"Just considering you are CEO, don't think you accept landed. You lot must continually increment your learning, the fashion y'all call up, and the mode yous arroyo the system. I've never forgotten that". (Business organization & Leadership)

" The one affair I have learned as a CEO is that leadership at diverse levels is vastly dissimilar. When I was leading a role or a business, at that place were sure demands and requirements to be a leader. As yous motility upward the organization, the requirements for leading that system don't grow vertically; they grow exponentially". (Fast Company)

"The leader needs to create an surroundings in which people can analyze the situation and develop a good response". (Pondot)

"Great organizations need a high level of commitment by the people involved". (Pondot)

"I believe that if you prove people the problems and yous show them the solutions, they will be moved to act". (Telegraph)


Pecker Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft

"If we win the hearts and minds of employees, we're going to take better business organisation success". (Stanford Business organisation)

"Information technology's important to surround yourself with people who will challenge you lot and tell you lot when and why you are wrong". (Strategies for Influence)


Mary Barra, Chairman and CEO of General Motors

"As a visionary leader, you should be thinking almost more just the next quarter. You should also be thinking about the next decade, and what your company's reputation and place in the world will be after 40 quarterly results". (Strategies for Influence)

"People are cardinal in driving the success of a business organisation. If you treat your staff like the smart and capable adults they are — and give them pick to make informed decisions — y'all volition cultivate an environment in which everyone can flourish". ( Virgin)

"If you look after your staff, they'll wait afterwards your customers. It'southward that uncomplicated". (Virgin)


Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

"Your employees come start. And if you lot treat your employees right, guess what? Your customers come dorsum, and that makes your shareholders happy. Start with employees and the rest follows from that". (Employers Resource)


Herb Kelleher, Co-Founder of Southwest Airlines

"You must be very patient, very persistent. The globe isn't going to shower gold coins on you just because you have a skilful idea. You're going to have to work like crazy to bring that idea to the attention of people". (Employers Resources)

"The most of import thing is, do y'all have the backbone to acknowledge that you're wrong? And do you lot alter? The near of import thing to me as a CEO is that we keep the courage". (Fast Company)


Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

"Ultimately, it's on the company leaders to gear up the tone. Not only the CEO, but the leaders across the company. If yous select them so carefully that they then hire the right people, it's a nice self-fulfilling prophecy". (Concern Insider)

"You're trying to pick people that fit into the culture of a company. You want a very various group with very diverse life experiences looking at every trouble. But you as well want people to purchase into the philosophy, not simply purchase in, but to deeply believe in information technology." (Business Insider)

"Y'all await for people that are not political. People that are non bureaucrats. People that actually don't care who gets credit. People that can privately celebrate the achievement, merely not intendance if their proper noun is the 1 in the lights. There are greater reasons to do things". (GeekWire)

"As a leader, a lot of your chore is to make those people successful. Information technology's less well-nigh trying to be successful (yourself), and more than most making sure you lot have good people and your work is to remove that barrier, remove roadblocks for them so that they can exist successful in what they practice. So that'due south how I've e'er thought about it." (Think Marketing)


Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, Alphabet

"I view my part more as trying to gear up upwardly an environment where personalities, creativity, and individuality of all the different employees come our and can shine." (InnovationManagement)


Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos

"Nosotros believe that it's actually important to come with core values that you can commit to. And by commit, we hateful that you're willing to hire and burn based on them. If y'all're willing to do that, then you lot're well on your way to edifice a company culture that is in line with the brand y'all want to build." (Inc.)

"You can't expect your employees to exceed the expectations of your customers if you don't exceed the employees' expectations of management. That'south the contract." (BusinessInsider)

"I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You've got to be truthful. I don't remember y'all should be vulnerable every mean solar day, merely at that place are moments where you've got to share your soul and censor with people and show them who y'all are, and not be agape of information technology". (Forbes)


Howard Schultz, Former Chairman and CEO of Starbucks

"People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is, and how it will be implemented. They want to be given responsibility to help solve the trouble and authority to human activity on information technology." (Good Reads)

"People can be really smart or accept skills that are directly applicable, only if they don't actually believe in information technology, then they are not going to actually piece of work hard." (Inc.)

"We expect for people who are passionate about something. In a style, it nearly doesn't affair what y'all're passionate about". (Inc.)


Marking Zuckerberg, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Facebook

So, What Are the Leaderships Skils Successful Leaders Accept in Common?

All successful leaders have unlike ways to define leadership and the top skills it takes to effectively lead a squad.

For some of them, smashing leaders are the ones who inspire their teams while for others, being a keen leader ways motivating employees and stimulating their creativity.

But they all put communication as a key skill leader should have. Indeed, it's through swell communication that leaders tin motivate, inspire and back up their teams.

 💡Check out the importance of advice in the workplace in the infographic below 👇

reasons-of-good-employee-communicationUltimately, great leaders are the ones that build high-performing teams, bulldoze change, and impact the business's lesser line. And guess what? It all starts with strong leadership skills!

How Skilful Are Your Leadership Skills?

To cease this article, we wanted to help yous evaluate your own leadership skills. Even idea in that location are many different ways to identify what type of a leader i is, this video will help you evaluate yourself in minutes.

Check out this video from Jamie Turner, or even download his free ebook nearly The Unspoken Rules of Leadership.

What'southward next? Schedule a Haiilo demo today to larn how to successfully communicate with your employees in today'due south digital age.

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Source: https://blog.smarp.com/what-are-the-top-leadership-skills-that-make-a-great-leader

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