What Is in Beef Extract in Iron Supplement

  • Journal List
  • Nutrients
  • 5.ten(eleven); 2018 November
  • PMC6266735

Nutrients. 2018 Nov; 10(11): 1740.

Supplementation with Beef Extract Improves Practice Performance and Reduces Post-Exercise Fatigue Contained of Gut Microbiota

Tsung-Hsien Hsu,1, ii Chien-Chao Chiu,1 Yu-Chih Wang,iii Ter-Hsin Chen,3 Yi-Hsun Chen,3 Yen-Peng Lee,three Shao-Wen Hung,1 Chean-Ping Wu,two and Hsiao-Li Chuangfour, *

Chean-Ping Wu

iiSection of Creature Science, National Chiayi Academy, Chiayi 600, Taiwan; wt.ude.uycn.liam@pcw

Hsiao-Li Chuang

4National Laboratory Animal Eye, National Practical Research Laboratories Research Institute, P.O. Box 86 Academia Sinica, Taipei 115, Taiwan

Received 2018 Sep 14; Accepted 2018 Nov 6.


Beefiness extract (Be) is a nutritional supplement obtained by cooking beef meat. Compared with traditional chicken essence or clam extract, Exist is cheaper to produce and may be used for wound healing, every bit a chemotherapy supplement, or to prevent fatigue. In this study, we evaluated the potential benign effects of BE on exercise performance and the related role of the gut microbiota. Pathogen-free male person BALB/c mice were divided into three groups to receive vehicle or BE (0, 12.3, or 24.6 mL/kg) by oral gavage for 28 days. Practice functioning was evaluated using forelimb grip strength, swimming time to exhaustion, and physiological levels of fatigue-related biomarkers (serum lactate, blood urea nitrogen, and glucose levels) after concrete challenges. Be supplementation elevated endurance and grip force in a dose-dependent fashion; significantly decreased lactate and blood urea nitrogen levels afterward physical challenge; and significantly increased musculus glycogen content. The sanitary mice supplemented with BE or an equal-calorie portion of albumin did not show pregnant differences from the other groups in exercise performance and levels of related biomarkers. Therefore, BE supplementation improved endurance and reduced fatigue, which might exist related to Exist composition, only had no correlation with the gut microbiota.

Keywords: beef extract, exercise performance, antifatigue, pond, glycogen

1. Introduction

Beefiness excerpt (Be) is a liquid nutritional supplement obtained by cooking beef meat. This supplement has been used for strengthening the bones and muscles, and for increasing immunity [one,2,3]. Compared with other kinds of meat, beef contains college amounts of amino acids and trace elements, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, fe, and zinc, which tin be extracted into a goop or soup, thereby improving the absorbability of these nutrients by the torso [4].

Previous reports showed that supplementation with beef-related foods such as pulverisation-hydrolyzed beefiness protein, whey protein, and micellar casein enhanced practice operation [five,vi]. Moreover, dose-dependent myofibrillar poly peptide synthesis resulting from beefiness ingestion was enhanced with resistance exercise in centre-anile men [vii], and Exist supplementation increased the relative weights of both the soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles in rats [1]. BE contains big amounts of physiologically active substances such as l-carnitine. l-carnitine plays an important role in fat metabolism in that it promotes the mitochondrial uptake of long-concatenation fatty acids for β-oxidation coupled with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production [8]. This finding suggests that the soleus muscle could effectively utilize the ATP free energy produced by β-oxidation of fat acids, which results in reduced consumption of stored glycogen [nine].

Exercise-induced fatigue can have deleterious furnishings on concrete activities, quality of life, and social relationships. Many studies have demonstrated that muscle damage and delayed-onset musculus soreness can effect in loss of muscle force and significant fatigue [10,11,12]. Muscle soreness and damage represent considerable obstacles to exercise performance. Currently, the role of inflammation-related metabolites such as creatine kinase, lactate, and ammonia in muscle damage after heavy exertion is well documented [xiii,xiv]. Subsequently exercise, skeletal musculus fatigue was evaluated using biochemical indicators, including lactate, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level increased and glucose (GLU) level decreased in serum [5,15]. Furthermore, glycogen is the predominant source of glycolysis for ATP production. Therefore, the amount of stored glycogen in the muscle directly affects do ability [15]. Long-term endurance practise may induce muscular injury [xvi,17], and musculus damage combined with the production of inflammatory mediators from exhaustive exercise may lead to increased hurting and functioning deficits in muscle function [18]. The beneficial effect of chicken essence or branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation on physical fatigue has been reported. Therefore, we determined whether Be supplementation could aid prevent fatigue and meliorate exercise performance.

The human and animal abdominal tract contains approximately 100 trillion microbes, most of which reside in the colon [19]. Contempo reports indicate a close correlation between the efficacy of nutritional supplements and the host gut microbiota [twenty,21,22]. A specially compelling instance of the importance of the gut microbiota in host metabolism is provided by a comparison of the nutritional statuses of germ-free (GF) and conventionally raised laboratory animals [23]. Numerous investigators have demonstrated that conventionally raised animals require up to 30% less caloric intake to maintain their trunk weight. In addition, our previous study also demonstrated that the gut microbiota can bear upon endurance in a GF mouse model [24]. This was proposed to occur through the action of the gut microbiota on host antioxidant enzyme systems [24].

Our study elucidated the beneficial effects of 28-twenty-four hours BE supplementation on exercise functioning and fatigue and showed that its sub-acute effects raised no health concerns requiring attending, and that gut microbiota might not play a pivotal role in the metabolism of BE supplements.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Preparation of Exist

Beef meat to exist used for supplementation was purchased from the local market. The meat from Taiwan yellow cattle was cut into 5-cm3 pieces and cooked at 100 °C for x h. The crude Exist was stored at −eighty °C until apply. The nutritional facts and total branched-chain amino acids of the Be were analyzed by SGS Taiwan Ltd. (SGS Taiwan limited, New Taipei, Taiwan) and are shown in Table i.

Table 1

Nutritional facts and full branched-chain amino acids from beefiness extract (Be).

Nutritional Facts Content (/100 mL of Exist)
Protein 7.7 grand
Fat 0
Saturated fat 0
Trans fatty 0
Saccharide 0
Sodium 0.094 g
Total calories (kcal) xxx
Full BCAA (mg/100 g)
Valine, leucine, and isoleucine 18.six

2.2. Brute Experiment Design

Specific pathogen-free (SPF) male BALB/c mice were purchased from BioLASCO Technology (Taipei, Taiwan), and germ-costless (GF) male BALB/c mice were purchased from the National Laboratory Animal Center (Taipei, Taiwan). Mice were used for the experiments at vii weeks of age. Prior to starting the experiments, the SPF and GF mice were housed for 1 week to arrange to the surround. The GF mice were housed in sterilized isolator caging. All the animals were kept at room temperature (21 °C ± 2 °C), with 55–65% relative humidity and a 12-h low-cal-dark cycle. The mice were fed a standard laboratory rodent diet (5010 LabDiet, Purina Mills, St. Louis, MO, U.s.a.) and provided with water ad libitum. All the animal experiments conformed to the guidelines of the Institutional Brute Care and Utilise Committee (IACUC) of National Chung Hsing University. This study was canonical by the IACUC ethics committee nether protocol 106-032. For the first gear up of experiments, the SPF mice were divided into three groups (northward = 6–8 per group in each test) as follows: (one) vehicle command, (two) 12.iii-mL/kg BE (Exist-1X), and (three) 24.half dozen-mL/kg BE (BE-2X). The control group received the vehicle and distilled water at the aforementioned dosage volume of 24.half dozen mL/kg for the same menstruum equally the test mice. The mice underwent a grip strength exam 1 h after the concluding administration of the Be supplement on 24-hour interval 25. The mice performed an acute exercise challenge on twenty-four hours 26. The mice performed an exhaustive swimming exercise on mean solar day 28. For the 2d fix of experiments, the GF mice were divided into iii groups (northward = 5 per group), namely the vehicle control (GF-veh), albumin (GF-Alb; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, United states), and BE-2X groups (24.6 mL/kg; GF-BE). The vehicle, albumin, and Exist were administered via oral gavage. The mice performed an exhaustive swimming exercise on 24-hour interval 28.

ii.3. Forelimb Grip Forcefulness Exam

A low-force testing system (Model-RX-5, Aikoh Engineering, Nagoya, Japan) was used in this test. The tensile strength in each mouse was measured using a force transducer equipped with a metal bar (2 mm in diameter and seven.five cm in length). We grasped the mouse at the base of operations of the tail and lowered it vertically toward the bar. Once the ii paws (forelimbs) grasped the bar, the mouse was pulled slightly astern by the tail, which triggered a "counterpull". The grasping force was recorded by a grip force meter in grams. Forelimb grip strength was tested after four weeks of administration of the indicated Be supplement.

2.4. Pond Exercise Performance Examination

The pond endurance exam was conducted after the forearm grip forcefulness test for all the mice. The mice were individually placed in a columnar swimming pool (height, 30 cm and radius, 10 cm) with a xx-cm water depth, maintained at 27 °C ± 1 °C. The swimming endurance fourth dimension of each mouse was recorded from the beginning of the test until exhaustion, which was determined by observing loss of coordinated movements and failure to return to the surface within 7 s. Swimming endurance time was determined after four weeks of administration of the indicated BE supplement. The pond exercise performance tests for all the mice were conducted on the same twenty-four hours as the forelimb grip forcefulness measurement test.

2.v. Lactate, BUN, and GLU Levels after Acute Exercise Challenge

The effects of Be supplementation on serum lactate, BUN, and GLU levels were evaluated after exercise. Approximately i h after the terminal administration of Be, a 10-min swimming test was performed. Blood samples were collected from the submandibular duct of the pretreated mice immediately earlier and after the swimming practise. Serum was extracted by centrifugation at 2600× thou and four °C for 10 min. Serum lactate concentration was measured using a lactate analysis kit (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), and serum BUN and GLU concentrations were determined using an auto-analyzer (Hitachi 7080, Hitachi, Tokyo, Nippon).

2.6. Clinical Biochemical Analysis after Sacrifice of the Animals

To examine the subchronic toxic effects of BE supplementation, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), GLU, BUN, triacylglycerol (TG), and total cholesterol (T-CHO) levels were evaluated afterward the animals were sacrificed. Whole-blood samples were collected through cardiac puncture and centrifuged at 2600× one thousand and iv °C for 10 min. Serum was immediately stored at −lxxx °C until analysis, and the biomarkers were adamant using an car-analyzer (HITACHI 7080, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan).

ii.7. Tissue Glycogen Level Measurement and Visceral Organ Weight

The stored form of GLU is glycogen, which is primarily stored in the liver and musculus tissues. One 60 minutes later on the concluding Exist supplementation, all the mice were sacrificed, and the liver and musculus tissues were excised and weighed prior to glycogen content analysis. One hundred milligrams of liver and musculus tissues was homogenized in 0.five mL of common cold x% perchloric acid. Later on centrifugation at 15,000× one thousand at 4 °C for 15 min, the supernatant was carefully removed and kept on ice prior to analysis. Tissue extract (thirty μL) was placed in 96-well microplates, and 200 μL of iodine-potassium iodide reagent was added to each well. An bister-dark-brown compound developed immediately subsequently the reaction. Afterward allowing the plate to rest for 10 min, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reader (Thermo Multiskan Become, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vantaa, Finland) was used to measure the absorbance.

2.8. Histopathological Examination

Mouse tissue samples, including those from the liver, kidneys, muscles, and spleen, were fixed in ten% neutral-buffered formalin for 1 day, dehydrated, embedded in alkane series, cut into 4-μm slices, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for histological examination.

ii.9. Fecal Brusk-Chain Fatty Acrid Assay by Loftier-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Fecal samples were nerveless immediately after defecation. To each fecal sample, 1 mL of lxx% methanol was added for extraction and mixed well using a glass stick. The mixtures were centrifuged at 12,000× g for 10 min, and the supernatant was collected for analysis. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed using an Agilent 1260 serial HPLC (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and a YMC column (YMC, Kyoto, Japan). The mobile phase was composed of acetonitrile, methanol, and water at a ratio of 30:16:54, and the pH was adjusted to 4.five with 0.i% trifluoroacetic acrid (special grade; Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan). The column temperature was 25 °C, and the flow rate was 1 mL/min. Measurements were performed at 400 nm.

2.10. Statistical Analysis

Information are presented as mean ± SD. Significant differences between each treated group were determined using one-way analysis of variance and postal service hoc Fisher to the lowest degree pregnant differences test using the SPSS 18.0 software (IBM Corporation; Armonk, NY, Us). Differences betwixt the groups were considered statistically significant (*) when their p values were <0.05.

three. Results

3.1. Furnishings of BE Supplmentation on Body Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Liver Weight, and Clinical Biochemistry

No significant changes in body weight, skeletal musculus weight (comprised of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles), and liver weight were found amongst the vehicle, Be-1X, and Be-2X groups (Table ii). As shown in Table 3, no significant differences in the serum concentrations of ALT, GLU, BUN, T-CHO, and TG were found among the groups. These results propose that the Exist supplementation was rubber for all the exam animals.

Tabular array 2

General characteristics of the experimental groups.

Characteristics Vehicle Exist-1X BE-2X
Initial BW (g) 25.five ± ane.3 25.viii ± 1.4 26.1 ± 1.iv
Terminal BW (g) 25.6 ± 1.five 26.four ± 1.3 26.two ± 1.vii
Skeletal muscle (g) 0.32 ± 0.03 0.33 ± 0.02 0.33 ± 0.03
Liver (g) i.32 ± 0.10 1.32 ± 0.08 1.27 ± 0.09

Table 3

Biochemical analysis results of the Exist supplementation groups at the end of the experiment.

Parameters Vehicle BE-1X Be-2X
ALT (U/Fifty) 48.2 ± 10.seven 51.ix ± 9.nine 55.2 ± 14.2
GLU (mg/dL) 233.0 ± eighteen.1 212.half-dozen ± 19.8 213.5 ± 19.0
BUN (mg/dL) 24.four ± one.1 23.3 ± 1.0 23.9 ± 2.7
T-CHO (mg/dL) 143.8 ± 7.9 137.vii ± 7.3 156.vii ± 12.one
TG (mg/dL) 241.8 ± 67.1 195.7 ± 42.0 216.5 ± 25.3

iii.2. Effects of Be Supplementation on Forelimb Grip Forcefulness and Endurance

The results of the grip strength test were 99.viii ± 11.1, 107.0 ± xiii.9, and 141.1 ± 22.viii g for the vehicle, Be-1X, and Be-2X groups, respectively. The grip strength of the Exist-2X group was significantly higher than that of the vehicle command (p = 0.002). These results showed that Exist treatment was benign for grip force (Effigy 1A). The exercise endurance of the mice treated with the vehicle, BE-1X, and BE-2X were 24.five ± 4.two, 31.7 ± 10.6, and 42.0 ± iv.ane min, respectively (Figure 1B). The swimming time was significantly longer with BE-1X and Be-2X supplementation than with vehicle treatment by 1.29- (p = 0.097) and ane.71-fold (p < 0.001), respectively.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g001.jpg

Effect of Exist supplementation on forelimb grip strength and swimming do performance. (A) The mice underwent a grip strength test 1 h after the last administration of Exist on twenty-four hour period 25. (B) The mice performed an exhaustive swimming exercise on twenty-four hours 28. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = half-dozen–8 mice in each group). ** p < 0.01, compared with the vehicle control.

three.3. Furnishings of BE Supplementation on the Serum Levels of Lactate, BUN, and GLU later Astute Practice Challenge

The serum lactate levels in the Exist-1X and BE-2X groups were significantly decreased compared with the in the vehicle group (Figure 2A). The serum BUN level in the Be-2X group was significantly decreased equally compared with that in the vehicle grouping (Figure 2B). Past contrast, the serum GLU concentration increased with Be-2X supplementation as compared with the vehicle (Figure 2C).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g002.jpg

Effect of four-week BE supplementation on serum biomarker concentrations. (A) Serum lactate, (B) claret urea nitrogen, and (C) glucose levels earlier and after a 10-min swimming practise challenge. The information are for north = half-dozen–eight mice per group and presented as mean ± SD. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01, compared with the vehicle control.

3.iv. Effects of Exist Supplementation on Muscular and Hepatic Glycogen Concentrations

The muscle glycogen levels in the vehicle, Exist-1X, and BE-2X groups were xviii.06 ± 6.9, 27.4 ± 8.2, and 30.8 ± ix.4 mg/g of muscle, respectively (Figure threeA). A meaning increase in muscle glycogen content was observed in the Be-1X (p = 0.03) and Exist-2X groups (p = 0.01) as compared with the controls. Although we did not observe whatever pregnant differences in hepatic glycogen content among the groups, a slight increase in hepatic glycogen concentration was found in the BE-2X group equally compared with the vehicle grouping (Figure 3B).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g003.jpg

Effects of Be supplementation on (A) muscular and (B) hepatic glycogen levels. The mice were pretreated with vehicle, 12.three-mL/kg Be (Be-1X), or 24.6-mL/kg Be (BE-2X) for 28 days. Then, the mice were sacrificed, and the glycogen concentrations in muscle and liver tissues 1 h subsequently the final BE treatment were estimated. The data represent the hateful ± SD of six–8 mice in each grouping. * p < 0.05, compared with the vehicle control.

3.v. Histological Examination later BE Supplementation

We considered that BE supplementation for iv weeks might have negative or unpredictable effects on healthy mice. Therefore, we evaluated the major organs, including the liver, skeletal muscle, heart, kidneys, and spleen of the mice in each group past histopathological examination. Equally shown in Figure 4, no agin effects such as Zenker's necrosis in musculus or tubular epithelial degeneration in the kidney were observed in whatever of the groups.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g004.jpg

Effects of Be supplementation on the morphology of the (A) liver, (B) kidney, (C) skeletal muscle, and (D) spleen. The mice were pretreated with vehicle, 12.iii-mL/kg Be (Be-1X), or 24.half-dozen-mL/kg BE (Be-2X) for 28 days. Then, the mice were sacrificed, and the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, and spleen morphologies were examined at the finish of the experiment. Hematoxylin and eosin staining: original magnification, ×100 and scale bar, 40 μm.

3.6. Fecal Brusk-Concatenation Fatty Acid Profiles after BE Supplementation

We further examined whether Be supplementation at different concentrations might affect the short-chain fatty acid composition of the carrion. However, no pregnant differences in the levels of acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acrid were observed among the groups (Figure five).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g005.jpg

Effect of BE supplementation on fecal brusque-concatenation fatty acid content: (A) acetic acid, (B) propionic acid, and (C) butyric acid. Information are expressed as mean ± SD.

iii.7. Improved Exercise Operation after Exist Supplementation Is not Associated with the Gut Microbiota

Finally, we antiseptic whether the gut microbiota plays a role in Be supplementation-enhanced exercise operation. We used the germ-free mouse model to verify that Be supplementation directly affected practice performance. No meaning changes were observed in trunk weight, skeletal musculus weights (comprised of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles), and levels of the biochemical analytes (ALT, GLU, BUN, T-CHO, and TG) among the GF-veh, GF-Alb, and GF-Be groups (Table 4). The do endurance in the GF-BE group was significantly increased past 1.57-fold as compared with that in the GF-veh group (p = 0.028; Figure 6). However, no significant difference in endurance was found between the GF-veh and GF-Alb groups (Figure 6). These results confirmed a previous hypothesis that BE supplementation could directly affect exercise functioning.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nutrients-10-01740-g006.jpg

Consequence of Exist supplementation on the swimming exercise operation of germ-complimentary mice. The mice underwent an exhaustive swimming do on day 28 of the study. Information are presented equally mean ± SD (n = 5 mice in each group). * p < 0.05, compared with the vehicle control.

Tabular array four

General characteristics and biochemical analysis results of the experimental groups.

Characteristics GF-veh GF-Alb GF-Be
Initial BW (g) 26.8 ± one.0 26.3 ± 1.8 27.8 ± 1.7
Final BW (one thousand) 27.eight ± 0.7 28.four ± 1.seven 27.9 ± 0.nine
Skeletal muscle (g) 0.30 ± 0.02 0.xxx ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.01
ALT (U/Fifty) 46.2 ± nine.seven 49.iii ± 13.5 55.0 ± 0.9
GLU (mg/dL) 221.0 ± eleven.8 201.4 ± 28.1 211.9 ± 36.7
BUN (mg/dL) 23.9 ± 1.1 21.3 ± 3.0 22.nine ± two.0
T-CHO (mg/dL) 193.8 ± xvi.7 195.iii ± 22.i 195.9 ± eight.9
TG (mg/dL) 121.0 ± 25.1 99.2 ± 17.0 108.one ± thirteen.7

iv. Word

Recently, protein-rich foods, including chicken essence and clam extract, have been reported to enhance practice stamina. In the nowadays report, we found that BE supplementation had a similar positive effect on able-bodied functioning past enhancing endurance and reducing muscle fatigue without detrimental effects on the host. Furthermore, in this study, the results, including trunk weight, skeletal muscle mass, liver weight, clinical biochemistry, and histological exam, later Exist supplementation were not significantly different compared with those with the vehicle. The above-mentioned results suggest that BE supplementation is condom for all test animals. Supplementation with Exist may improve endurance and performance, even without training, by increasing the potential for athletic exercise. Moreover, we also provided strong testify that the benefits of BE supplementation were non related to the host microbiota.

Our results showed that supplementation with BE does non bear upon body growth or raise skeletal muscle weight. These results differ from those of previous studies that showed that ingestion of beef tin increase muscle weight gain in center-aged men and rats [i,vii]. We suspect that the increased muscle volume is dependent on a combination of grooming such as resistance exercises and beefiness ingestion. Our results maybe differ from the previous results because only BE supplement was performed in nowadays study.

Previous studies besides suggested that grip strength must be improved through procedural exercise grooming [25,26]. Equally shown in Effigy 1, grip strength was greater in the BE-2X group than in the control group after 4 weeks of BE supplementation. Thus, in the absence of an additional preparation intervention, BE supplementation provided only a limited increment in grip strength. On the other mitt, endurance (swimming time) was significantly enhanced in the BE-1X and BE-2X groups. These results are similar to those obtained later on handling with supplements rich in BCAA, such as chicken essence and whey protein [5,15]. BCAAs are non just basic muscle-edifice components but also participate in increasing protein synthesis in animals and humans [27,28]. Kato et al. reported that chronic BCAA supplementation led to increased operation in rats subjected to a swimming test [27]. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that BE supplementation can reduce pond-induced muscle fatigue.

We previously found that supplementation with chicken essence afterwards exercise could reduce plasma lactate and ammonia levels [15]. The concentrations of lactate, the production of glycolysis, is one of the important indicators of exercise fatigue. During strenuous do, muscles produce a considerable amount of lactate through anaerobic glycolysis [29]. The accumulation of lactate leads to pH reduction in muscle tissues, induces fatigue, and hampers exercise functioning. As a result, rapid removal of lactate has been found to ameliorate fatigue [29]. In this written report, Be-1X supplementation significantly decreased plasma lactate level, indicating that BE possibly inhibited the accumulation of this byproduct.

GLU is stored every bit glycogen, mainly in the liver and muscles. Glycogen metabolism is the well-nigh straight source of energy for muscles, and the volume of stored glycogen is a determining factor of fatigue [xxx]. During physical exercise, free energy is derived from the breakup of glycogen. As such, restoration of muscle glycogen is benign for prolonged exercise [31,32]. Indeed, decreased muscle glycogen level is a sensitive indicator of muscle fatigue. The Exist-1X and BE-2X groups had dose-dependent increases in glycogen content in muscles, but not in the liver. This may directly increment practise performance and reduce physical fatigue. Kato et al. reported that leucine-enriched essential amino acids attune the recovery of glycogen content in the muscles after impairment-inducing do [27]. In addition, leucine supplementation improved muscle performance and reduced depletion of musculus glycogen stores equally compared with the mixture of BCAAs [28]. On the ground of these findings, we suggest that the reduction in muscle fatigue by BE supplementation might be related to leucine content, merely further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Kim et al. constitute that supplementation with probiotics could increment intestinal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) content [33]. SCFAs might affect the host energy balance and enhance athletic functioning [34]. Still, no meaning differences in the concentrations of acerb acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid were observed amidst the study groups. These results may indicate that the ability of SCFAs to enhance practise operation was not related to poly peptide-rich supplements such as BE.

In summary, BE supplementation could significantly reduce physiological fatigue past decreasing serum lactate, maintaining GLU levels and preserving musculus glycogen content. These findings suggest that BE supplementation has a potential utilize for enhancing endurance or promoting physiological adaptation after intensive exercise grooming. Bear witness obtained from clinical and biochemical evaluations also provides information regarding the safety of BE supplementation. Finally, we used GF mice to demonstrate that the anti-fatigue potential of Be supplementation could be related to nutritional limerick but not the host gut microbiota.

Writer Contributions

Conceptualization: T.-H.H., C.-C.C. and H.-50.C.; data curation: Y.-P.L., South.-W.H. and C.-P.Due west.; formal assay: C.-C.C., Y.-C.W., T.-H.C. and Y.-H.C.; methodology: T.-H.H., C.-C.C. and H.-50.C.; validation, T.-H.H. and H.-Fifty.C.; writing of the original typhoon: T.-H.H. and C.-C.C.; and review and editing of the concluding manuscript: H.-L.C.


This inquiry was funded by Council of Agronomics, Taiwan (grant number 106AS-xix.5.1-CO-a1).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of involvement.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6266735/

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