Environmental Science Chapter 13 Review Test Answer Key

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NCERT Solutions for Grade x Science Chapter thirteen Magnetic Effects of Electric Current aids students in improving the self-confidence about their preparation in the examinations. Information technology is the best reference material to build a foundation of Science subject for both lath and other entrance examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class x Scientific discipline, Chapter xiii Magnetic Effects of Electric current are by and large used by every student during their exam preparations, equally our subject experts have explained all the questions effectively, every bit provided in the NCERT textbooks. These NCERT Solutions for Form 10 Science are prepared past our team of highly experienced field of study experts after thorough research and are available in a simple language as students can learn and understand the entire concept at a deeper level.

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Admission Answers of Science NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Affiliate thirteen – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

In text 13.ane Page:224

1. Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a bar magnet?


The compass needle is a small-scale magnet. When the compass needle is brought shut to a bar magnet, the magnetic field lines of the compass needle collaborate with the magnetic field lines of bar magnet, which causes the compass needle to deflect.

In text 13.two.2 Page:228

ane. Depict magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.


Magnetic field lines of a bar magnet emerge from the Due north Pole and finish at the S Pole equally shown in the figure below.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 1

2. List the properties of magnetic field lines.


The properties of magnetic field lines are as follows:

    • Magnetic field lines practise not intersect with each other.
    • They emerge from the North Pole and finish at the Due south Pole.
    • Inside the magnet, the management of the field lines is from the Due south Pole to the N Pole.

iii. Why don't two magnetic field lines intersect each other?


If ii magnetic field lines intersect and then at the point of intersection the compass needle shows ii dissimilar directions, which is not possible, hence they do not intersect with each other.

In text xiii.2.4 Folio:229

1. Consider a round loop of wire lying in the aeroplane of the table. Permit the electric current laissez passer through the loop clockwise. Apply the correct-paw dominion to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and exterior the loop.


NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 2

For the downwardly management of the electric current, the direction of the magnetic field will be as if emerging from the table exterior the loop and merging with the tabular array inside the loop. Similarly, for current flowing in an upwards direction, the management of the magnetic field volition exist as if they are emerging from the table outside the loop and merging with the tabular array within the loop, every bit shown in the figure.

ii. The magnetic field in a given region is uniform. Draw a diagram to correspond it.


NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 3

3. Choose the correct option.

The magnetic field inside a long directly solenoid-carrying electric current

  1. is zero.
  2. decreases as nosotros move towards its end.
  3. increases as we move towards its terminate.
  4. is the same at all points.


d. is the aforementioned at all points

The magnetic field inside a long straight current carrying solenoid is uniform therefore information technology is the aforementioned at all points.

In text 13.3 Page:231

ane. Which of the following property of a proton can alter while information technology moves freely in a magnetic field? (In that location may be more than i correct answer.)

  1. Mass
  2. Speed
  3. Velocity
  4. Momentum


(c) and (d)

When a proton enters the region of magnetic field, information technology experiences magnetic force. Due to which the path of the proton becomes circular. Every bit a result, the velocity and the momentum change.

2. In Activity 13.vii, how do we call back the displacement of rod AB will be affected if (i) current in rod AB is increased; (ii) a stronger equus caballus-shoe magnet is used; and (iii) length of the rod AB is increased?


A current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field experiences force. The magnitude of this strength will increase with the increase in the amount of current, length of conductor and the strength of the magnetic field. Hence, the strength of the magnetic force exerted on the rod AB and its deportation will increase if

  1. The current in rod AB is increased
  2. Stronger horse shoe magnet is used
  3. When the length of the rod AB increases

3. A positively-charged particle (alpha-particle) projected towards the west is deflected towards north by a magnetic field. The direction of magnetic field is

  1. towards south
  2. towards east
  3. downward
  4. upward


The direction of the magnetic field can be determined using the Fleming'south Left hand rule. Co-ordinate to the rule, if we conform our thumb, forefinger and the middle finger of the left mitt correct perpendicular to each other, and so the thumb points towards the direction of the magnetic force, the middle finger the management of current and the forefinger the direction of magnetic field. Since the direction of positively charged particle is towards west, the direction of the electric current will besides be towards the west. The direction of the magnetic force is towards the north, hence the direction of magnetic field volition be up according to Fleming's Left paw rule.

In text 13.4 Page:233

ane. State Fleming'southward left-hand rule.


Fleming's Left hand rule states that if we conform our thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the left hand at right angles to each other, then the pollex points towards the direction of the magnetic force, the forefinger points towards the direction of magnetic field and the heart finger points towards the direction of current.

2. What is the principle of an electrical motor?


The working principle of electric motor is based on the magnetic effect of current. A current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field experiences strength and rotates. The direction of the rotation of the usher can exist determined by Fleming'south Left hand rule.

3. What is the role of split ring in an electrical motor?


Split up band plays the role of commutator in an electric motor. The commutator reverses the direction of the current flowing through the coil afterwards each half rotation of the whorl. Due to this reversal of current, the coil continues to rotate in the same direction.

In text thirteen.v Folio:236

1. Explicate dissimilar ways to induce current in a coil.


Following are the different means to induce current in a coil:

  • If the coil is moved chop-chop between the two poles of equus caballus shoe magnet, electric electric current is induced in the coil.
  • When a magnet is moved relative to the coil, an electric current is induced in the coil.

In text 13.half-dozen Page:237

1. State the principle of an electric generator.


Electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. In a generator, electricity is generated by rotating a coil in the magnetic field.

ii. Proper noun some sources of direct electric current.


DC generator and cell are some sources of directly current.

3. Which sources produce alternating current?


Ability plants and AC generators are some of the sources that produce alternate current.

4. Choose the correct choice.

A rectangular gyre of copper wires is rotated in a magnetic field. The direction of the induced current changes once in each

  1. two revolutions
  2. one revolution
  3. half revolution
  4. 1-fourth revolution


c. one-half revolution

When a rectangular coil is rotated in magnetic field, the direction of the induced current changes once in half revolution. As a issue, the direction of the electric current in the gyre remains the aforementioned.

In text 13.vii Page:238

1. Name two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances.


The condom measured ordinarily used in electric circuits are as follows:

  1. Fuse

Each circuit should be connected to a fuse because a fuse prevents the menstruum of excessive current through the circuit. When the current in the circuit exceeds the maximum limit of the fuse element, the fuse melts to stop the menstruation of current protecting the appliance connected to circuit.

  1. Earthing

Earthing protects the user from electric shocks. Whatsoever leakage of electric current in an appliance is transferred to the footing past earthing and the people using the appliance is prevented from getting electrocuted.

2. An electrical oven of 2 kW power rating is operated in a domestic electric excursion (220 5) that has a current rating of 5 A. What result do you expect? Explain.


The electric current drawn past the electric oven tin be calculated using the formula

P = V × I

I = P/V

Substituting the values, we get

I = 2000 Westward/220 V = 9.09 A

The current drawn by the electrical oven is 9.09 A which exceeds the prophylactic limit of the excursion. This causes the fuse to melt and intermission the circuit.

three . What precaution should exist taken to avoid the overloading of domestic electric circuits?


A few of the precautions to be taken to avoid the overloading of domestic electric circuits are as follows:

  • Connecting also many devices to a single socket should be avoided
  • Using too many appliances at the same time should be avoided
  • Faulty appliances should non be continued to the excursion

Exercises Page:240

1. Which of the following correctly describes the magnetic field near a long straight wire?

  1. The field consists of direct lines perpendicular to the wire.
  2. The field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
  3. The field consists of radial lines originating from the wire.
  4. The field consists of concentric circles centered on the wire.


d. The field consists of concentric circles centered on the wire.

The magnetic field near a long straight wire are concentric circles. Their centers lie on the wire.

2. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is

  1. the process of charging a body.
  2. the process of generating magnetic field due to a current passing through a scroll.
  3. producing induced electric current in a coil due to relative motion between a magnet and the scroll.
  4. the process of rotating a roll of an electrical motor.


c. producing induced electric current in a curl due to relative motion betwixt a magnet and the coil.

The phenomenon of inducing current in a coil due to the relative motility between the coil and the magnet

Is known equally electromagnetic consecration.

3. The device used for producing electric current is called a

  1. generator
  2. galvanometer
  3. ammeter
  4. motor


a. generator

The device used for producing electrical current is known as generator. Generator converts mechanical energy to electric energy.

four. The essential difference between an Ac generator and a DC generator is that

  1. Air-conditioning generator has an electromagnet while a DC generator has permanent magnet.
  2. DC generator will generate a higher voltage.
  3. AC generator volition generate a higher voltage.
  4. AC generator has slip rings while the DC generator has a commutator.


d. AC generator has slip rings while the DC generator has a commutator.

Air conditioning generators accept 2 rings known equally the slip rings while DC generators have ii one-half rings known as the commutator. This is chief difference between AC generator and DC generator.

5. At the time of brusk circuit, the current in the circuit

  1. reduces substantially.
  2. does not change.
  3. increases heavily.
  4. vary continuously.


c. increases heavily

When two naked wires in the circuit come in contact with each other, the amount of current flowing in the excursion increase abruptly resulting in short excursion.

6. Country whether the post-obit statements are true or faux.

  1. An electric motor converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  2. An electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
  3. The field at the centre of a long circular coil carrying electric current will be parallel direct lines.
  4. A wire with a light-green insulation is usually the live wire of an electrical supply.


a. False

An electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

b. True

An electric generator is a device that generates electricity by rotating a gyre in a magnetic field.

c. True

A long round scroll is a solenoid. The magnetic field lines inside a solenoid are parallel direct lines.

d. Simulated

Live wires have carmine insulation cover while the earth wire has dark-green insulation.

seven. List two methods of producing magnetic fields.


Post-obit are the methods of producing magnetic fields:

  • Past using a permanent magnet we tin produce magnetic field and it tin can be visualized by spreading iron fillings on a white paper and keeping a magnet below the paper.
  • A current carrying direct conductor produces magnetic field.
  • Different types of conductors such as solenoid and circular loop can be used to run into the presence of magnetic field.

8. How does a solenoid carry like a magnet? Tin you determine the north and south poles of a current–conveying solenoid with the help of a bar magnet? Explicate.


A solenoid is a long coil of circular loops of insulated copper wire. The magnetic field produced effectually the solenoid when the current is passed through it is similar to the magnetic field produced effectually the bar magnet when current is passed through information technology. The effigy shown beneath shows the arrangement of magnetic fields produced around the solenoid when current is passed through it.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 4

When the north pole of the bar magnet is brought close to the end connected to the negative terminal of the battery, the solenoid repels the battery. As like poles repel each other, we can infer that the terminate connected to the negative terminal behaves every bit a north pole while the end connected to the positive terminal behaves as a southward pole.

9. When is the force experienced by a current–carrying usher placed in a magnetic field largest?


When the direction of the current is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field is when the force experienced is the largest.

10. Imagine that you lot are sitting in a chamber with your dorsum to one wall. An electron beam, moving horizontally from dorsum wall towards the front wall, is deflected by a strong magnetic field to your right side. What is the direction of magnetic field?


The direction of the magnetic field can be adamant using the Fleming's Left hand dominion. The direction of the magnetic field will be perpendicular to the direction of current and the direction of deflection, i.e., either upward or downward. The direction of the current is from the forepart wall to the back wall considering negatively charged electrons motion from the back wall to the forepart wall. The directed of the magnetic strength is rightward. Hence, using Fleming'due south left hand rule it can be concluded that the direction of the magnetic field inside the chamber is downward.

eleven. Draw a labelled diagram of an electric motor. Explicate its principle and working. What is the function of a split ring in an electric motor?


An electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. It works on the principle of magnetic effect of electric current. The effigy listed below shows a simple electrical motor.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 5

When current is made to flow through the coil MNST by closing the switch, the ringlet starts to rotate in the anticlockwise direction. This is due to the downwards forcefulness acting on the length MN and simultaneously an upward force acting forth the length ST. As a issue of which the coil rotates in the anticlockwise direction. Electric current in the length MN flows from 1000 to Due north and the magnetic fields act from left to right normal to the length MN. According to Fleming's Left Mitt rule, a downward force acts forth the length MN. Similarly, the current along the length ST flows from S to T and the magnetic field acts from left to correct. Therefore, an upward forcefulness acts forth the length ST. These two forces together crusade the coil to rotate anti-clockwise. After half a rotation, the position of MN and ST interchange. The half ring C come up in contact with brush B and the one-half ring D comes in contact with rush C. Hence the direction of current in the coil MNST gets reversed.

12. Name some devices in which electric motors are used.


A few devices in which electric motors are used are:

  • Electric fans
  • Water pumps
  • Mixers
  • Washing machines

13. A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will happen if a bar magnet is (i) pushed into the coil, (ii) withdrawn from inside the scroll, (three) held stationary inside the coil?


(i) When a bar magnet is pushed into the scroll, current is induced in the coil momentarily every bit a result the galvanometer deflects in a detail direction momentarily.

(ii) When the bar magnet is withdrawn from inside the coil, electric current is induced momentarily only in the opposite direction and the galvanometer deflects in the reverse direction momentarily.

(3) When the bar magnet is held stationary within the ringlet, no current will be induced as a consequence in that location will exist no deflection in the galvanometer.

14. Two circular coils A and B are placed closed to each other. If the electric current in the coil A is changed, will some current exist induced in the coil B? Requite reason.


When the current in coil A changes, the magnetic field associated with it also changes. As a result the magnetic field around coil B undergoes change. The change in the magnetic field of coil B induces current in information technology.

15. Land the rule to determine the direction of a (i) magnetic field produced around a straight usher-carrying current, (ii) force experienced by a current-carrying direct conductor placed in a magnetic field which is perpendicular to it, and (iii) current induced in a curl due to its rotation in a magnetic field.


(i) The dominion used to make up one's mind the direction of the magnetic field produced around a direct conductor-carrying electric current is the Maxwell's correct hand thumb rule.

(ii) The dominion used to decide the forcefulness experienced by a electric current-carrying directly conductor placed in a magnetic field which is perpendicular to information technology is the Fleming's left hand dominion.

(three) The dominion used to determine the current induced in a coil due to its rotation in a magnetic field is the Fleming'due south right-hand rule.

16. Explain the underlying principle and working of an electric generator by drawing a labelled diagram. What is the office of brushes?


The electric generator coverts the mechanical energy into the electrical energy. The working principle of the electric generator is the electromagnetic consecration. It generates electricity by rotating a curl in the magnetic field. The figure beneath shows the structure of a elementary AC generator.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - 6

In the diagram,

A and B are brushes,

C and D are slip rings

X is the axle

G is the galvanometer

When the axle 10 is rotated clockwise, MN moves upwards while ST moves downward. The motility of MN and ST in the magnetic field results in the production of electric electric current due to electromagnetic consecration. MN moves upwards and the magnetic fields act from left to correct. Therefore, according to Fleming's correct mitt rule, the direction of the induced current will be from 1000 to N along the length MN. Similarly, the direction of the induced electric current volition be from S to T forth the length ST. The direction of the current in the whorl is MNST. Hence, galvanometer shows a deflection in a detail direction.

After half a rotation, length MN starts moving downwards while the length ST starts moving upwards. Now, the management of the induced electric current reverses to TSNM. Since the direction of the induced current reverses every half rotation, the electric current induced is known every bit alternating current.

Part of Brushes

Brushes are kept pressed on to two slip rings separately. Outer ends of brushes are continued to the galvanometer. Thus, brushes aid in transferring current from coil to the external circuit.

  1. When does an electric curt circuit occur?


Listed beneath are two instances of when a short-excursion tin can occur:

1) When also many appliances are continued to a single socket or when high power rating appliances are connected to a light circuit, the resistance of the circuit becomes low equally a result the current flowing through the circuit becomes very high. This condition results in a short-circuit.

2) When live wires whose insulation have worn off come up in contact with each other, the current flowing in the circuit increases abruptly which results in a short circuit.

18. What is the function of an globe wire? Why is it necessary to earth metallic appliances?


The metal trunk of electrical appliances is earthed by means of earth wire. Any leakage of electric wire is transferred to the basis by ways of earth wire. This prevents the user of the electric appliance from getting electric shocks. This is the reason why it is important for the metallic appliances to be earthed.

NCERT Solutions for Course 10 Science Chapter xiii – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

As per the updated marking scheme, NCERT Solutions for Course 10 Science Affiliate xiii Magnetic Furnishings of Electric current is 1 of the of import topics and the expected weightage is 10 marks. In this chapter, students learn more in detail almost Electric Current, Magnetic fields, magnetic fields lines, compass, electromagnetic induction, Furnishings of Electric Electric current and so on. Oersted law and his Experiment is the most important 5 mark question, which has been the nigh frequently asked in the previous yr papers.

Listing of Exercises

13.one Magnetic Field and Field Lines

13.ii Magnetic Field due to a Current-Carrying Usher

13.3 Force on a Electric current – carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field

13.4 Electric Motor

thirteen.5 Electromagnetic Induction

13.6 Electric Generator

Magnetic Effects of Electric Current is besides known as the electromagnetic effect. It is the co-operative of physics which mainly deals with the report of the electromagnetic force, electrically charged particles, electric fields and magnetic fields. In this topic, students tin can acquire more than interesting concepts related to the Magnetic fields and the Electrical Current, along with a few interesting experiments. Other interesting topics explained in this affiliate include:

  • Properties of the magnet – 2 Questions (1 short, i MCQ)
  • How does magnetic effect works -1 Question (one MCQ)
  • Clock Face Dominion-1 Question (1 short)
  • Fleming'due south left-hand rule-1 Question (1 long)
  • Maxwell'south Right Paw Thumb Rule and its Application -1 Question (1 long)

Primal Features of NCERT Solutions for Course 10 Science Chapter xiii – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current:

  • Provides completely solved solutions to all the questions present in the respective NCERT textbooks.
  • The linguistic communication used in these NCERT Solutions is piece of cake and simple to understand by the students.
  • These solutions are prepared by our subject experts subsequently all-encompassing inquiry on every topic, in society to provide appropriate and genuine information to the students.
  • These solutions will be useful for Olympiads, CBSE term wise exams and other competitive exams.
  • Detailed answers are provided to all the questions to assist students in their preparations.

Often Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Scientific discipline Chapter thirteen

How to make up one's mind the direction of magnetic field in the Chapter thirteen of NCERT Solutions for Class ten Scientific discipline?

The direction of the magnetic field tin be adamant using many processes. The movement of the compass needle inside the magnetic field indicates the management of the magnetic field. At that place are few other rules which help united states to observe the direction of the magnetic field. Right-hand thumb dominion is i amidst them. Information technology states that if we place the current carrying wire in our right hand, the pollex indicates the direction of current flow and the fingers effectually the wire point the management of the magnetic field lines.

How many questions are present nether each topic in Chapter thirteen Magnetic Effects of Electric Current of NCERT Solutions for Class ten Scientific discipline?

The questions present nether each topic in Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current of NCERT Solutions for Class ten Science are –
1. Backdrop of the magnet – 2 Questions (1 curt, 1 MCQ)
ii. How does magnetic effect works -1 Question (1 MCQ)
three. Clock Confront Rule-one Question (1 short)
4. Fleming's left-hand dominion-i Question (1 long)
five. Maxwell's Right Hand Thumb Dominion and its Application -ane Question (one long)

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Scientific discipline Chapter 13 beneficial for the students?

The benefits of using the NCERT Solutions for Class x Scientific discipline Chapter 13 are –
1. Completely solved answers for all the questions present in the NCERT textbook are available in PDF format.
2. Simple and easy to understand linguistic communication is used to make learning fun for the students.
three. Subject thing experts prepare the solutions after conducting vast inquiry on each concept.
4. The solutions not only assist students with their CBSE Term II examination grooming but also for various competitive exams similar JEE, NEET etc.
5. PDF format of solutions are available in affiliate wise and exercise wise format to help students larn the concepts with ease.


Source: https://byjus.com/ncert-solutions-class-10-science-chapter-13-magnetic-effects-electric-current/

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